On-Going HealthCare Company Modernization

InTune Implementation:

Project Necessities:

  • Automation of Device Setup
  • Automation of Configurations
  • Automation of Application Installation
  • Preparing to migration away from local Active Directory
  • Dynamic Group Assignments
  • Automated User Setup
  • Automated User Device Change
  • Transition Dell Device Distribution -> IT -> End User, they wanted to transition to Dell Device Distribution -> End User using InTune AutoPilot

The project encompassed 1100 users and 1500 devices. Project took 5 months to complete with a 100% feature success rate.

RESTapi Project for Automation of ADP to AzureAD 1-way sync:

Project Necessities:

  • Pull information from users in ADP and set key as the WorkerID
  • Take the users information and operate off of 3 events: User Creation, User Information Update, User Termination
  • Map the information for User Information Update, in the event the User moves, gets married, change of name, etc…
  • Automation of User Creation
  • Automation of User Termination